
这是范叶亮的个人主页。小学接触到第一门编程语言 Logo,从此便与代码有了不解之缘。学了七年的管理,最后还是选择面朝代码,春暖花开。现从事数据科学在安全风险领域的技术应用和产品设计。对数据科学在农业和工业领域的应用充满兴趣。好读书(多为闲书),善思考(没事乱想),学了多年绘画,虽不再执笔,但对美仍有追求。对美好生活充满向往,爱音乐(民谣,乡村),爱影视(一切军事相关,热爱和平的伪军迷),爱烹饪(酱肘子蛋挞了解一下),爱摄影(有台相机),爱旅行(没事儿遛弯),爱运动(跑步胜于撸铁),还有一辆小摩托

Je ne suis pas d’accord avec ce que vous dites, mais je me battrai jusqu’à la mort pour que vous ayez le droit de le dire.
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

I’m Leo (Fan Yeliang). I got my master degree of management in 2012. I am working on application of data science in security and risk. Also I am saturated with application of data science in agriculture and industry. I like a lot of things, such as reading, thinking, watching movie, cooking and traveling. Since all these things make me feel be loved by this world. I am trying to live in the real moments, and watching life goes on and on …